Bloodshed and Brews

Pazuzu Algarad | Ganz Vienna Lager, Cola Sour

July 24, 2022 Bloodshed and Brews Season 1 Episode 84
Pazuzu Algarad | Ganz Vienna Lager, Cola Sour
Bloodshed and Brews
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Bloodshed and Brews
Pazuzu Algarad | Ganz Vienna Lager, Cola Sour
Jul 24, 2022 Season 1 Episode 84
Bloodshed and Brews

Pazuzu Algarad was a self-proclaimed satanist who had a thing for body modifications, animal sacrifices, drinking blood, orgies, and murder. He had an unstable childhood that lead him down a path of self destruction. As an adult he changed his name to Pazuzu for "religious reasons," tattooed his face, sharpened his teeth, and stopped bathing. He started taking up weird, ritualistic habits and surrounding himself with other young, misfit adults. In his new crew he found two accomplices (who also happened to be his fiancés), and two victims. Tune in to hear about Pazuzu Algarad's house of horrors and vile crimes. But first, grab a beer and have a drink with us! Cheers!

Here's what we're drinking:

Show Notes

Pazuzu Algarad was a self-proclaimed satanist who had a thing for body modifications, animal sacrifices, drinking blood, orgies, and murder. He had an unstable childhood that lead him down a path of self destruction. As an adult he changed his name to Pazuzu for "religious reasons," tattooed his face, sharpened his teeth, and stopped bathing. He started taking up weird, ritualistic habits and surrounding himself with other young, misfit adults. In his new crew he found two accomplices (who also happened to be his fiancés), and two victims. Tune in to hear about Pazuzu Algarad's house of horrors and vile crimes. But first, grab a beer and have a drink with us! Cheers!

Here's what we're drinking: